
Data security in the age of AI: What every controller needs to know

Jennifer Texada

Jennifer Texada

Marketing Manager

As Controllers increasingly rely on AI, understanding its implications for data security is crucial. This is especially true given the sensitive nature of financial data and the stringent regulations governing its protection.

October 6, 2023

min read

Data security in the age of AI: What every controller needs to know

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly becoming an integral part of financial systems, offering capabilities ranging from automating routine tasks to predictive analytics that can guide strategic decision-making. However, as Controllers increasingly rely on AI, understanding its implications for data security is crucial. This is especially true given the sensitive nature of financial data and the stringent regulations governing its protection.

Regulatory Compliance and Best Practices in Data Security

One of the most significant challenges Controllers face when implementing AI is ensuring compliance with existing data protection laws. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union is a prime example. This regulation not only sets strict guidelines for data protection but also imposes severe penalties for non-compliance. To navigate this regulatory landscape, Controllers may need to conduct Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) before implementing AI systems. These assessments evaluate how personal data is processed and identify measures to mitigate risks to data subjects.

But GDPR is not the only regulation Controllers need to consider. In the United States, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) imposes its own set of data protection requirements. Additionally, organizations that handle credit card transactions must comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). Each of these regulations has its own set of requirements and penalties, making compliance a complex task that requires ongoing attention.

Beyond legal requirements, Controllers should also adhere to best practices to enhance data security. One effective approach is data minimization, which involves collecting only the data that is strictly necessary for the AI system to function. This not only reduces the risk associated with data breaches but also simplifies compliance with regulations like GDPR, which require organizations to justify the data they collect.

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is another best practice that can significantly enhance data security. By requiring two or more forms of verification before granting access to an AI system, MFA adds an additional layer of security that can protect against unauthorized access.

Encryption is a further essential practice. All data, whether at rest in storage or in transit between systems, should be encrypted to protect against unauthorized access. Advanced encryption algorithms are now available that offer robust protection without significantly impacting system performance, making encryption a practical and effective data security measure.

Vendor Selection and the Evolving Landscape of Data Security

Choosing the right vendor for an AI system is a critical decision that can have a significant impact on data security. Controllers should conduct comprehensive due diligence to assess a vendor's data security protocols, including their use of encryption, compliance with relevant regulations, and history of data breaches. Given the rapidly evolving landscape of both AI and cybersecurity, it's also crucial to assess a vendor's commitment to staying up-to-date with the latest developments in both fields.

The future of data security in the age of AI is a moving target. New vulnerabilities—and the security measures designed to protect against them—are continually emerging. So, Controllers have to commit to ongoing education. This includes regular training for staff responsible for managing AI systems, continuous monitoring for potential security threats, and periodic updates to security protocols to address new and emerging risks.


The integration of AI into financial systems offers Controllers unprecedented opportunities for efficiency and strategic insight. However, it also introduces new challenges and complexities in the realm of data security. By focusing on both regulatory compliance and best practices, Controllers can navigate these challenges effectively. As AI technologies continue to evolve, staying informed and vigilant will be key to maintaining robust data security.

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