
VIEW Ledger sign a long-term agreement on the use of - AI should provide insight and overview in real time

Alexander Hagerup

Alexander Hagerup

Co-founder & CEO

VIEW Ledger will use the AI ​​solution for its customers in the Nordic region. This is a strategic move to take a leading position in the Nordics.

December 6, 2021

min read

VIEW Ledger sign a long-term agreement on the use of - AI should provide insight and overview in real time

Repost from ('s strategic partner in the Nordics), December 6, 2021

VIEW Ledger and sign a long-term agreement on the use of autonomous software.


“We have very high growth ambitions. We have acquired 6 companies so far in 2021 and will grow strongly. We are present in Norway, Sweden and Finland and will continue to grow in the Nordic region. New innovative and leading technology is our tool for ensuring efficiency and quality in our accounting processes also in the future", says John Hugosson.

VIEW Ledger is a technology-driven company that delivers automated systems, and outsourcing of all processes related to finance and accounting. Together with, they will provide additional efficiency through automation and a better user experience. With this, VIEW Ledger will be at the forefront of the major changes facing the industry.

“VIEW Ledger is a very good strategic match for us, and we are both investing heavily in the Nordic region. VIEW Ledger is offensive and focuses on new technology. Our AI solution has quickly gained a very good “product / market fit” in the market, and we are pleased that VIEW Ledger is on board as a partner. With our solution, we create efficiency through automation, which results in reduced costs and large time savings for our customers, ”says Gro Merethe Johnsrud in

The AI ​​solution is trained on a dataset of over 500 million invoices from more than 65,000 companies. The solution uses algorithms and learning as a competitive advantage for fully automating the process around document management and bookkeeping and access to a number of cost analyses and benchmarking.

“ has one of the best technologies, as well as a highly motivated and competent team. We are confident that we have made a good choice, ”says Vegard Nerhus, head of strategic projects at VIEW Ledger.

VIEW Ledger is the largest Xledger partner, and has customers on other ERP systems such as 24SO, Tripletex and Fortnox. will implement and integrate the AI ​​platform into one invoice handling system for all ERP’s, giving VIEW Ledger more flexibility around making strategic portfolio changes independent of the ERP system.

About VIEW Ledger

The VIEW group consists of 380 wise heads and a good dose of technology. VIEW Ledger provides BPO services and is a technology-oriented accounting firm that stands out with a focus on expertise and technology. The combination of people with finances, systems and IT backgrounds gives us the opportunity to offer a unique value proposition to our customers.

About &

Propell.AI is a technology company with leading software solutions for increased business value and is a key implementation partner of is a strategic partner with, and together both companies have been able to secure customers to join's AI ​​platform integrated with any ERP system in the European and American enterprise market.


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