
10 ways CFOs Are Saving with AI in the Finance Department

Lotta Lundaas

Lotta Lundaas

VP of Marketing

October 18, 2023

5 min read

10 ways CFOs Are Saving with AI in the Finance Department

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer in the world of finance, offering innovative solutions that can transform financial operations, reduce costs, and enhance efficiency. For businesses looking to optimize their financial processes, AI presents a myriad of opportunities.

“We saved more than 60,000 hours in year one by automating manual invoice processing with, even while deploying the technology throughout our regional entities. AI is changing the lives of our employees and how our business works.” Fredrik Wiktor, Application Management Lead, HSB Real Estate

The modern CFO is leaning into technology

Before we explore how companies leverage AI to save in their finance departments, we need to take a step back and explain why the CFO is now one of the key decision-makers when investing in new technology like AI. The role of the Chief Financial Officer has undergone a significant transformation in recent years. Traditionally, CFOs were primarily responsible for financial reporting and compliance. However, in today's dynamic business landscape, their role has evolved into that of a strategic partner.

Modern CFOs are now expected to be forward-thinking, actively involved in strategic decision-making, and contributing to the company's growth and profitability. They leverage data analytics and technology to provide insights that drive financial strategies. CFOs also play a crucial role in risk management, ensuring the company's financial health in uncertain times. Their responsibilities have expanded to encompass a broader view of the organization, making them integral to long-term success. Therefore, they are one of the main decision-makers in technology investments.

10 ways to save with AI

So which areas have AI proven successful in terms of financial savings? 

  1. Automating repetitive tasks
    One of the most significant advantages of AI in finance is its ability to automate repetitive tasks. This includes data entry, invoice processing, and reconciliations. By automating these tasks, companies can significantly reduce the time and effort required for manual data handling, leading to increased productivity and cost savings.
  2. Enhanced fraud detection
    Fraudulent activities can be a significant financial burden for businesses. AI-powered algorithms can analyze vast amounts of transaction data in real-time, detecting irregularities and potentially fraudulent transactions. By identifying and stopping fraudulent activities early, AI helps prevent financial losses.
  3. Improved forecasting
    Accurate financial forecasting is crucial for making informed business decisions. AI uses historical data and predictive analytics to provide more accurate revenue forecasts, expenditure predictions, and cash flow analysis. This enables companies to allocate resources more efficiently and avoid unnecessary expenses.
  4. Optimizing investments
    AI-driven algorithms can analyze market trends and data to make investment recommendations. This helps companies maximize returns on their investments while minimizing risks. By making data-driven investment decisions, businesses can save money and potentially generate higher returns.
  5. Cost reduction in compliance
    Regulatory compliance is a critical aspect of finance. AI can streamline compliance processes by automating the monitoring of regulatory changes and ensuring that financial transactions adhere to legal requirements. This reduces the risk of costly compliance violations and associated penalties.
  6. Customer service chatbots
    In the financial sector, customer service plays a significant role. AI-powered chatbots can handle routine customer queries, provide account information, and assist with basic transactions. This not only improves customer service but also reduces the need for a large customer support team, leading to cost savings.
  7. Enhanced invoice management
    Invoice processing is often a time-consuming and error-prone task. AI can automate the entire invoice management process, from receipt to approval. This reduces the likelihood of errors, accelerates payment cycles, and frees up staff for more strategic financial tasks.
  8. Risk assessment
    AI can assess the creditworthiness of customers and suppliers by analyzing various data points. This helps businesses make informed decisions about extending credit or entering into financial agreements. By reducing the risk of non-payment or default, companies can save money in the long run.
  9. Cost-effective data analytics: Traditional data analytics can be resource-intensive, requiring extensive manpower and infrastructure. AI-driven analytics tools can process vast datasets quickly and efficiently, providing valuable insights at a fraction of the cost. This empowers companies to make data-driven decisions without breaking the bank.
  10. Prevent duplicate payments
    Within large enterprises, where the occurrence of double payments can reach as high as 2%, the implementation of AI-driven solutions becomes paramount. This not only safeguards financial operations but also delivers a tangible boost to overall profitability.

AI is revolutionizing the finance department by offering cost-effective solutions that enhance efficiency, reduce risks, and provide valuable insights. Companies that embrace AI in their financial operations are not only saving money but also gaining a competitive edge in today's fast-paced business landscape.

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